Which Domain Extensions Should You Use

Which Domain Extensions Should You Use

You want to use a particular domain for your new business or personal website, but the .COM version of the domain is already taken. Should you consider using the domain with a different domain extension, such as .NET or .ORG? Or should you use a different domain all together? In this article, I give you some tips on which domain extensions to use. I also discuss whether or not you should use a domain that already exists, but with a different domain extension.

What is a Domain Extension?

The domain extension, also known as the top-level domain (TLD), is the last part of the domain after the last period. For example, for the domain ‘CREATORCLUB.NET’, ‘.NET’ is the domain extension. The most popular domain extensions include .COM, .NET, .ORG, and .CO.

To see more information about domain extensions, check out this article.

Which domain extensions should you use?

Below are the domain extensions I recommend the most:


The .COM domain extension is the most popular and most recognized domain extension. When you say SOMETHING.COM, it’s instantly recognized as a website address. However, if you say SOMETHING.XYZ, you might have to further explain that you are talking about a website.

The .COM domain can be used for any type of website. If the .COM version of your ideal domain is available, you should use that and not consider another domain extension.


The .NET domain extension is just as popular and recognizable as .COM. Definitely consider a .NET domain whenever the .COM domain is not available. It can be used for any type of website.

Here are some popular websites that use a .NET domain extension:

  • minecraft.net
  • cpanel.net
  • slickdeals.net
  • behance.net
  • themeforest.net

Other domain extensions I recommend

When the .COM and .NET versions of a domain are not available, here are the other domain extensions I recommend:

  • .CO: Good for any type of website.
  • .ME: Good for freelancers, bloggers, or one-person businesses.
  • .IO: Good for any website but often associated with tech sites.
  • .TECH: Good for tech websites.
  • .PRO: Good for any website. It’s often associated with someone engaged in a particular profession.
  • .TV: Good for websites that feature video content.
  • .SHOP: Good for ecommerce websites
  • .AI: Good for websites that contain artificial intelligence products, services, and content.
  • .AGENCY: Good for companies that engage in client work.

Should You Use .ORG?

The .ORG domain extension is popular and widely recognized. However, the term ORG is often associated with non-profit organizations, advocacies groups, or other non-commercial institutions. The .ORG domain extension would not be ideal for ecommerce websites, freelancer sites, or personal blogs.

Here are some websites that use the .ORG domain extension:

  • earth.org
  • worldvision.org
  • www.everyonesworld.org

What If Your Preferred Domain and Domain Extension is Unavailable?

If the domain name and domain extension you want to use is already taken, you may want to use the domain name with a different extension. Try looking up each of the existing domains and extensions and check them for the following:

  • Is the website is blank.
  • Does the website consist of a generic landing page, possibly created by the domain registrar or web host.
  • Does the website appear to be old and not in use. For example, if the latest articles are several years old or the copyright year at the bottom of the page is several years old, the website might not be in use.
  • Does the website contain content in a different niche. Thus, the website is not a competitor.
  • Does the website possess a trademark for the website name. You can use this link to perform an international trademark search.

If the existing websites with the same domain name pass all of the checks above, you may be clear to use the same domain with a different TLD. One final check you can perform is to ask other creators for their opinions. Consider posting your domain related questions in our creator community.

Before you share a domain name with another creator, consider registering the domain first!

Quentin Moore
Quentin Moore

Quentin Moore is a co-founder of Creator Club. He is a data engineer by trade. He also has many years of experience with WordPress, blogging, and SEO. His contribution to Creator Club will center around digital products, course development, community management, and blog content.

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